Woolly Mammoths on the Horizon? Top Stories and More!!

From Mammoth Revival to Mental Health Trends & Inspiring Artist Regains Ability to Paint!

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Today’s top stories: Woolly mammoths inch closer to a comeback, a new report sheds light on global mental health, and a painter regains his ability to create thanks to a life-changing transplant.

Let's dive in!🚀


"Fall seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese Proverb

This quote encapsulates the resilience and determination needed to face challenges. It conveys the idea that no matter how many times you encounter setbacks or failures, the key is to keep getting back up and persist in your efforts. It embodies the spirit of never giving up, emphasizing the strength that comes from continuous perseverance despite difficulties.


  • Woolly Woolly Mammoth Makes a Step Closer to Stomping Back

  • Global Mental Wellbeing Declines During Pandemic

  • Painter Regains Use of Hands After Life-Changing Transplant

  • Meme of the day!


Woolly Woolly Mammoth Makes a Step Closer to Stomping Back

Colossal Biosciences, the company with the ambitious goal of de-extincting the woolly mammoth, is celebrating a major milestone. They've successfully reprogrammed elephant stem cells, a crucial step in their quest for mammoth resurrection.

This breakthrough isn't just about bringing back a furry icon of the Ice Age. These reprogrammed stem cells have the potential to develop into the various cell types needed for a mammoth, like cold-resistant fat. Plus, the research could pave the way for creating elephant sperm and egg cells in a lab, making in-vitro fertilization (IVF) a possibility for mammoth revival.

But hold your horses (or mammoths) just yet. Challenges remain. Scientists still need to figure out how to convert these elephant stem cells into mammoth-specific cells and develop lab-grown mammoth embryos.

However, this new development is a significant leap forward. It not only offers a glimpse of a woolly future but also holds immense potential for studying elephant biology, especially their complex and lengthy pregnancy. While baby mammoths roaming the tundra aren't happening tomorrow, Colossal Biosciences is one step closer to making this prehistoric giant a reality.

Global Mental Wellbeing Declines During Pandemic

A new report by Sapien Labs, based on a survey of over 400,000 people in 71 countries, reveals a worldwide decline in mental health since the pandemic began in 2020. The report uses a Mental Health Quotient (MHQ) to assess mental wellbeing, with scores ranging from "thriving" to "distressed".

Dominican Republic ranked highest with the best average MHQ, while Uzbekistan and the United Kingdom ranked lowest. The disparity between the top and bottom countries was significant (14.3%). Interestingly, Spanish-speaking Latin American countries tended to rank higher than English-speaking South Asia, Russian-speaking Central Asia, and countries in the Core Anglosphere.

Painter Regains Use of Hands After Life-Changing Transplant

A 45-year-old painter in Delhi is about to hold a brush again thanks to a remarkable series of events. After losing both hands in a 2020 train accident, a double hand transplant surgery using organs from a generous donor has given him a second chance at his passion.

This successful surgery, the first of its kind in Delhi, is a testament to both the selflessness of the donor, Meena Mehta, and the skill of the medical team at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Ms. Mehta, a former school administrator, had pledged her organs before her passing, allowing her hands to revive the artist's dreams.

The complex 12-hour surgery meticulously reconnected arteries, muscles, tendons, and nerves between the donor and recipient. The dedication of the medical staff paid off, with a triumphant double thumbs-up from the painter symbolizing the success of the operation. This story not only highlights the power of organ donation but also showcases the incredible advancements in surgical techniques.


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